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Strategy and Business – A Fresh Look at the New Year

A member of my family recently asked me, ‘Are you done with school….FOR GOOD?’.  It was one of those questions slash statements that is not intended to receive an answer.  In 2013, I made the decision to earn a Masters of Accountancy degree.  I already have my MBA, but I wanted something more and focused on accounting.  The masters of accountancy degree is intended to refresh my skills and to provide me with the required credentials to teach university level accounting as an adjunct some day in the future.  What was amazing about the experience is how much has changed in accounting.  There is a much greater focus on tax and compliance.  The new class of students are graduating with noticeably different profile than when I graduated from college.  Once again, education proves its value and benefits.    Stay tuned for articles and professional development topics.  Oh.. and my answer to the family member, nope!  I will never be finished studying and learning.  There is too much to gain and to enjoy in the process.

Best regards,



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